pruvie - certify and share your activities

Certify and share your activities

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Sharing a seal gives admissions officers confidence that I've done the activity

accomplished athlete wants her efforts to be valued fairly
Amy, college applicant ("Doer")
"Amy, your team sport activity has been assessed and the seal is ready to share"
pruvie check-in or pruvie seal
My university's reputation is at stake; I need to be confident that claimed activities occurred

admissions officer needs a quick and easy way to verify activities
Carla, university admissions officer ("Reviewer")
"Carla, applicant Amy's activity seal has been shared with you"
pruvie check-in or pruvie seal
Pruvie Seals allow me to spend more time providing services and less time administering and managing volunteer hours
volunteer coordinator, club officer
Matt, volunteer coordinator, club officer ("Reviewer")
"Matt, Amy has completed her volunteer activity"
pruvie check-in or pruvie seal

Pruvie™ patent pending
by Tomorgen, Inc.